New! DMAT 431 - Computational Abstract Algebra with MATHEMATICA!
Asynchronous + Flexible Enrollment = Work At Your Own Best Successful Pace = Start Now!
Earn Letter of Recommendation • Customized • Optional Recommendation Letter Interview
Mathematica/LiveMath Computer Algebra Experience • STEM/Graduate School Computer Skill Building
NO MULTIPLE CHOICE • All Human Teaching, Grading, Interaction • No AI Nonsense
1 Year To Finish Your Course • Reasonable FastTrack Options • Multimodal Letter Grade Assessment

Military Students

Roger Williams University has a very strong and proud relationship with the U.S. Military.

We highly value our military students throughout the world. We have many military students on active duty, from being stationed on ships sailing the oceans, to students flying aircraft, to ground personnel. Our flexible schedule and asynchronous course structure allows military students to do their academic course work when their military duties permit.

One of the benefits provided by Roger Williams University is a tuition reduction for active-duty or honorably-discharged U.S. Military personnel:

  • Regular RWU-University College Students: $433/credit hour
  • U.S. Military Students: $250/credit hour
To qualify for this tuition reduction, you will submit a scan/image of your active U.S. Military ID or your DD-214 form as part of the Enrollment Process for the Distance Calculus courses.

Distance Calculus and Military Students: Video

Distance Calculus - Freshman CoursesFreshman Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Sophomore CoursesSophomore Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Honors CoursesHonors Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Lower Division CoursesLower Division Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Upper Division CoursesUpper Division Math Courses

GI-Bill and Yellow Ribbon Program Benefits

Unfortunately, Roger Williams University is unable to offer support for GI-Bill / Yellow Ribbon Program benefits to students enrolled in the Distance Calculus program.

Students who enroll in Distance Calculus are classified as "non-matriculating students", which means these students are not seeking a degree from Roger Williams University. This has pluses and minuses - the pluses include the flexible enrollment, the streamlined enrollment process, and individualized timeline completion for your courses; the minuses include not being able to support financial aid awards like the GI-Bill/Yellow Ribbon which have stricter requirements that just do not fit with the flexible nature of Distance Calculus.