New! DMAT 431 - Computational Abstract Algebra with MATHEMATICA!
Asynchronous + Flexible Enrollment = Work At Your Own Best Successful Pace = Start Now!
Earn Letter of Recommendation • Customized • Optional Recommendation Letter Interview
Mathematica/LiveMath Computer Algebra Experience • STEM/Graduate School Computer Skill Building
NO MULTIPLE CHOICE • All Human Teaching, Grading, Interaction • No AI Nonsense
1 Year To Finish Your Course • Reasonable FastTrack Options • Multimodal Letter Grade Assessment

Non-Credit Courses

Once upon a time, Distance Calculus offered its courses in both "for credit" and "non-credit" formats.

Distance Calculus no longer offers any of its courses for non-credit. Now that we are in 2024, there are so many non-credit Calculus courses running around the internet, from Khan Academy, Coursera, MITx, edX, and dozens of others. With so many of these excellent non-credit courses available, there is no longer a need to offer our Distance Calculus courses for non-credit.

Please see the MOOCs - Massive Open Online Course page for more information on great free courses available to you.

Distance Calculus @ Roger Williams University is about earning real college academic (transferrable) credits, which MOOCs do not offer.

Below is a video presentation about earning real college credits vs non-credit MOOC courses.

Distance Calculus - Freshman CoursesFreshman Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Sophomore CoursesSophomore Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Honors CoursesHonors Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Lower Division CoursesLower Division Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Upper Division CoursesUpper Division Math Courses