Student Reviews for Distance Calculus
Distance Calculus invites reviews from former students. Please use your name and student ID below to obtain access to the Review Posting form located here.

Date Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Review by: Henry R.
Courses Completed: Multivariable Calculus
Review: Fantastic and unique course, particularly good for visual/spatial thinkers. The course forces you to develop a real conceptual understanding of the math concepts, as opposed to just teaching math formulas like other courses tend to do. There is a steep learning curve early on to get used to the software and the kind of course this is. Ultimately, I feel like what I learned will allow me to actually use the math and build upon it in the future. If you care about learning, rather than just passing a requirement, this is a great course for you.
Transferred Credits to: Harvard University

Date Posted: Jun 2, 2021
Review by: Samuel H.
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Linear Algebra
Review: Nothing but praise for Dr. Curtis. He's an excellent professor who is very responsive and knowledgeable. I did this course at night while working full-time, and I often skyped him late in the evening with questions. He never took long to respond, regardless of when it was. I finished this course in about a month and a half, and I worked for it. For those looking for an easy A, this is not it. You will have to put in serious work, but you will come out of the course with a good understanding of the material, especially if you apply yourself throughout the entirety of the course.
Transferred Credits to: Francis Marion University

Date Posted: Jan 18, 2021
Review by: Coury Gaffney
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Linear Algebra
Review: The program used gives an amazing insight into everything that's happening, that you wouldn't get in a traditional course. All of the lessons are clear and clean, and the professor is very helpful along the way. I learned a lot and am happy with taking this course
Transferred Credits to: Virginia Tech

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2021
Review by: Rachel H.
Courses Completed: Probability Theory
Review: Dr. Curtis gave helpful and timely feedback, and made the teaching videos very engaging! The course model and associated software was easy to acclimate to.
Transferred Credits to: Cedarville University

Date Posted: Jan 8, 2021
Review by: Cristian Mojica
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Probability Theory
Review: A fantastic course! I was able to complete it in about half a year (with a few gaps) alongside other coursework I was completing. There are no deadlines except the one-year mark after registering, so you work at your own rate and schedule. Probability Theory is required for me to apply to Master's programs in Statistics, so I was glad when I found Distance Calculus. While the course was slightly less difficult than I originally expected, there were parts that definitely slowed me down and made me think. (Also, although calculus is not everywhere in the course, it is everywhere in normal and exponential variables and beyond, so make sure to review derivatives and integrals (single and double)!) I used Mathematica for my software, and it helped speed along calculations and proved to be the perfect stage and tool for this material. I think visual learners will absolutely revel in how the material is presented in this course. (I know I did!) As there is plenty of writing and calculation to do, you have many opportunities to develop and strengthen your voice as a mathematician. The modern format of 80% electronic notebook work and 20% handwritten work is an excellent mixture for studying probability theory and grasping its core ideas. Dr. Curtis is clear in his answers to any questions and concerns you may have and is highly responsive to email and chat, and to responses you leave in your notebooks. He truly wants to help you and to see you succeed, and he is always on your side. I highly recommend Probability Theory with Distance Calculus!

Date Posted: Sep 20, 2020
Review by: Genevieve P.
Courses Completed: Applied Calculus
Review: I found out from my grad school after being accepted that I needed a Calculus course before starting their MBA program. I had less than 6 weeks to do it (and as a non-STEM undergrad no less). The video lectures were informative, the pre-calc refresher was great to get re-conditioned, and the asynchronous format worked so well as I did this at night/weekends after work. I completed it in 4 weeks. Professor Curtis was extremely responsive, graded assignments quickly, and a supportive guide providing constructive feedback to me to excel at the assignments. I highly recommend this course for those who need a pre-req in a hurry or like learning on their own schedule. Thanks, Distance Calculus and Professor Curtis!
Transferred Credits to: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Date Posted: Aug 23, 2020
Review by: Sean Metzger
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Differential Equations
Review: A lifesaver. When I found out I needed a course done in the last weeks of summer I thought there was no way i'd find one available, but this let me complete the course as quickly as I needed to while still mastering the topics. Professor always got back to me very quickly and got my assignments back to me the next day or day of. Can't recommend this course enough for students in a hurry or who just want to learn at their own pace.
Transferred Credits to: Missouri University of Science and Technology

Date Posted: Jul 25, 2020
Review by: Michael Linton
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Calculus I
Review: Amazing professor, extremely helpful and graded assignments quickly. To any Cornellians out there, this is the Calculus Course to take in Summer to fulfill your reqs! I would definitely take more Calculus Classes this way in the future!
Transferred Credits to: Cornell University

Date Posted: Jun 21, 2020
Review by: Abdul J.
Courses Completed: Applied Calculus
Review: This was the best class! So much more interesting doing the computer math than a boring lecture class. Diane was so responsive and helpful. I recommend this course.
Transferred Credits to: Villanova University

Date Posted: Jun 6, 2020
Review by: Douglas Z.
Courses Completed: Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory
Review: I loved these courses. So in depth and comprehensive. The mix of software and math curriculum was tremendously helpful to my future studies and career in engineering. I highly recommend these courses if you are bored of textbook courses.
Transferred Credits to: University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Date Posted: May 21, 2020
Review by: Chester F.
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II
Review: I did not enjoy Calculus I at my school. I retook Calculus I, and then Calculus II, over the summer via Distance Calculus and it was awesome. I started my sophomore year back on track and ready for my physics classes. I struggled with the MathLive software but I guess it was alright.
Transferred Credits to: University of North Carolina

Date Posted: May 3, 2020
Review by: Andris H.
Courses Completed: Applied Calculus
Review: I found out from my MBA program that I needed to finish calculus before starting the MBA. They told me 3 weeks before term started! I was able to finish Applied Calculus from Distance Calculus. Definitely a great class. Thanks Distance Calculus!
Transferred Credits to: SUNY Stony Brook

Date Posted: Apr 30, 2020
Review by: Hannah J.
Courses Completed: Probability Theory
Review: Probability Theory was a great course. Very very thorough. I thought it would never end :). I was very prepared for my coursework in economics. Excellent refereshher of derivatives and integrals - really forced me to remember that stuff from freshman cal.
Transferred Credits to: Boston University

Date Posted: Apr 29, 2020
Review by: Harlan E.
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II
Review: I did not do well in AP Calculus during my senior year in high school. Instead of trying to cram for the AP exam, I decided to jump ship and go to Distance Calculus to complete Calculus I. This was awesome! I finished Calculus I in about 6 weeks, and then I kept going into Calculus II. I started as a freshman at UCLA with both Calculus I and II done!
Transferred Credits to: University of California, Los Angeles

Date Posted: Apr 13, 2020
Review by: Jorgen M.
Courses Completed: Calculus I
Review: I really enjoyed this course, much more than I thought I would. I needed to finish this course very fast before starting my graduate degree program @ Kellogg. I was able to finish in 3 weeks. I liked the video lectures and the homework process. I highly recommend this course.
Transferred Credits to: Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern Univ

Date Posted: Apr 10, 2020
Review by: Benjamin T.
Courses Completed: Calculus I
Review: This course provided an excellent chance to learn about Calculus...again. I took calculus in high school, but I learned so much more with this course! It does take a good amount of time to do all the lessons, so definitely keep on top of them, but all the exercises helped me to really understand the material. And the nice thing is you can do it on your own time at home.
Transferred Credits to: Western University of Health Sciences: College of Optometry

Date Posted: Apr 6, 2020
Review by: Paul Simmons
Courses Completed: Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations
Review: I took Multivariable and Diff Eq during the summer. The DiffEq course was awesome - very useful for my physics and engineering course. I was unsure about Mathematica at first, but I got the hang of it quickly. Thank you Distance Calculus!
Transferred Credits to: University of Oregon

Date Posted: Apr 5, 2020
Review by: Catherine M.
Courses Completed: Calculus I
Review: Calculus I from Distance Calculus was wonderful! I took AB Calculus in high school, but I didn't take the AP Calc exam. Instead I took Calculus I with Distance Calculus, and it was so much better! It was a little review of topics, but not really. I really understood calculus when I finished!
Transferred Credits to: University of Chicago

Date Posted: Mar 17, 2020
Review by: Rebecca M.
Courses Completed: Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus
Review: Fantastic courses! I barely made it through Cal 1, and halfway through Cal 2 I found this program. I took Cal 2 and then Multivariable and I just loved it! SOOOOOOO much better than a classroom+textbook class. I highly recommend!
Transferred Credits to: Tulane University

Date Posted: Mar 16, 2020
Review by: Malia K.
Courses Completed: Applied Calculus
Review: Course was good and fast. I don't like math so I can't say it was fun or anything. Grader was very nice. Software was ok.
Transferred Credits to: University of Maine

Date Posted: Feb 28, 2020
Review by: Karen N.
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II
Review: Awesome classes! I was really weak with Calculus, so I retook Calc 1 and kept going into Calc 2. I feel like I finally understood Calculus. The finals were pretty thorough, but not nearly as stressful as the blue book exams. I highly recommend these courses!
Transferred Credits to: Various

Date Posted: Feb 28, 2020
Review by: Teddy M.
Courses Completed: Precalculus, Calculus I
Review: Pros: once you get going, you can go really fast. The visual textbook is pretty cool. The instructors were very responsive. Cons: the movies are great, but the software crashes more than it should. Sometimes it is just a hassle doing things in the software instead of on paper, but once I got used to the software, it was ok.
Transferred Credits to: Texas Christian University

Date Posted: Feb 25, 2020
Review by: Jessica M.
Courses Completed: Applied Calculus
Review: I highly recommend this course. I started the Kennedy School at Harvard with a last-minute admission, but my application required the Liberal Arts calculus course, so I had to finish the course in 3 weeks. Diane was an awesome instructor! The class was surprisingly interesting. If you need to take calculus fast, this is the program to use.
Transferred Credits to: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Date Posted: Feb 23, 2020
Review by: Carl Conners
Courses Completed: Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra
Review: After a really rough first year of calculus, I completed all of the second year calculus courses with Distance Calculus. It was like night and day the difference. My first year was so boring and monotonous. Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra through Distance Calculus were just so much different - so not boring at all. I thoroughly enjoyed these courses. So engaging.
Transferred Credits to: Michigan State University

Date Posted: Feb 19, 2020
Review by: Rebecca Johnson
Courses Completed: Applied Calculus
Review: I took the Business Calculus course from Distance Calculus in 2013. I was admitted to my MBA program, but then they told me I needed to take Calculus before starting the program. I finished the Business Calculus course in about 3 weeks in August before my program started. Not the most fun thing to do over the summer, but at least I got it done. Thanks Diane and Distance Calculus team!
Transferred Credits to: Kellogg MBA Program

Date Posted: Jan 19, 2020
Review by: Dan P.
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II
Review: I found the courses to be informative, enjoyable, and most importantly, effective in helping me learn the concepts of calculus. My math skills were always very weak, and I had a great deal of difficulty passing my undergrad math courses. The pace of a traditional classroom setting was just too quick for the concepts to really sink in. With Distance Calculus, I had courses that were taught with the full rigor of an on-campus class, but where I could take my time and really learn the material...all while having access to top-tier instructional help for real math professors and assistants. DC gave me the tools and the confidence I needed, so after successfully passing my DC courses, I moved on and completed a master's degree in CS.

Date Posted: Jan 19, 2020
Review by: William Williams
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Linear Algebra, Probability Theory
Review: I have difficulty learning calculus based math, akin to dyslexia when examining the symbolic forms, equations, definitions, and problems. Mathematica based calculus courses allowed me to continue with my studies because of the option of seeing the math expressed as a programming language for which I have no difficulty in interpreting visually and the immediate feedback of graphical representations of functions, equations, or data makes a huge impact on understanding. Mathematica based calculus courses should be the default method of teaching Calculus everywhere.
Transferred Credits to: Thomas Edison State College

Date Posted: Jan 13, 2020
Review by: Joe
Courses Completed: Calculus II
Review: This is the most interactive and productive online course I have ever taken. I had taken calculus before but never understood some of the underlying concepts until I took this course. If you want to really learn calculus in a way that will stay with you for the rest of your life, take this course.
Transferred Credits to: The college of New Jersey

Date Posted: Jan 13, 2020
Review by: Janice Flores
Student Email:
Courses Completed: Calculus II
Review: I highly recommend this course! Dr. Curtis is the best teacher and is ALWAYS willing to work with you to make sure you understand the subject. It was definitely a positive experience and the credits were transferred to my University with no problems! I definitely do not regret it and I had doubts in the beginning but if I had to, I would do it all over again!
Transferred Credits to: University of Central Florida

Date Posted: Jan 13, 2020
Review by: Daniel Marasco
Courses Completed: Multivariable Calculus
Review: This course was more affordable than many, and the flexible format was terrific for me, as I am inclined to work very diligently on tasks on my own. It could be dangerous for a person who requires external discipline more, but it works well for self-starters, allowing you to prioritize when you have other pressing work. I was a full time teacher adding a math certification, and this course allowed me to master the math while working around my teaching schedule and fitting work into moments here and there when I had time. I was able to transfer the credits to Montana State University, Bozeman for my teaching internship program without a hitch. The instructors were all very helpful and patient, even when I failed to see a ridiculously simple solution on one problem after 20 emails back and forth. Overall, I was more pleased with my experience in this class than I was with any of my other 9 courses.
Transferred Credits to: Montana State University, Bozeman

Date Posted: Jan 12, 2020
Review by: Brian Finley
Courses Completed: Calculus II
Review: I took Calculus II through Distance Calculus and can't recommend it enough. Being able to take the course at my own pace while I was working full time was tremendously helpful, especially since I hadn't taken a math course for 5 years prior. The instruction was excellent and the software they used to teach the course was intuitive and facilitated the learning process very well. This calc II class enabled me to take multivariable calc, linear algebra, and real analysis at Harvard University's extension school, which ultimately qualified me for the economics PhD program that I will graduate from next year. 8 years on, I'm still grateful to Professor Curtis and Distance Calculus.

Date Posted: Jan 12, 2020
Review by: Anonymous
Courses Completed: Calculus I
Review: This course is amazing! I took it as a requirement for admission to an MBA program, and couldn't have been happier with the quality and rigor of the course. I previously took calculus two times (at a public high school and then a large public university commonly cited as a "public ivy"), this course was by far the best and *finally* made the concepts click. Previously I had no idea what was going on because terrible PhD students were teaching the course and saying stuff like "a derivative is the slope of a tangent line" - ??? but what does that mean ???, but the instructors in the Shorter University course explain everything in ways where it FINALLY made sense (e.g., "imagine a roller coaster hitting the top of a hill, there's a moment where it shifts momentum and you're not accelerating or decelerating, that's what a 0 rate of change is - that's when the derivative would be zero"). They explain everything in multiple ways and relate it to other concepts. It all made perfect sense when I finally had a good instructor. Really recommend this class
Transferred Credits to: The Wharton School, UPenn

Date Posted: Jan 12, 2020
Review by: Mark Neiberg
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus
Review: Curriculum was high quality and allowed student to experiment with concepts which resulted in an enjoyable experience. Assignment Feedback was timely and meaningful.

Date Posted: Jan 12, 2020
Review by:
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II
Review: I needed to brush up on my high school calculus and finally take Calc II before starting a graduate program that needed them as prereqs. This was perfect choice to fit in that summer. Got done at fast pace that I wanted and needed. Also had added bonus of one on one feedback and help when needed. Video lessons were better than many on campus instructors in large lecture settings. Recommend for anyone needing to satisfy prereqs at home institution.
Transferred Credits to: University of Michigan

Date Posted: Dec 20, 2019
Review by: Bill K.
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra
Review: I took the whole calculus series and Linear Algebra via Distance Calculus. Dr. Curtis spent countless hours messaging back and forth with me, answering every question, no matter how trivial they might seem. Dr. Curtis is extremely responsive, especially if the student is curious and is willing to work hard. I don't think I ever waited much more than a day for Dr. Curtis to get a notebook back to me. Dr. Curtis would also make videos of concepts if I was really lost. The course materials are fantastic. If you are a student sitting on the fence, trying to decide between a normal classroom class or Distance Calculus classes with Livemath and Mathematica, my choice would be the Distance Calculus classes every time. The Distance Calculus classes are more engaging. The visual aspects of the class notebooks are awesome. You get the hand calculation skills you need. The best summary I can give is to say, given the opportunity, I would put my own son's math education in Dr. Curtis's hands.
Transferred Credits to: None

Date Posted: Dec 9, 2019
Review by: Louisa A.
Courses Completed: Calculus I
Review: My microeconomics class required college-level calculus as a prerequisite, and I didn't want to wait until next year to take the class. So, I took DC's Calculus I class over the summer, so I could register for econ when I got back to school this fall. I actually think I got more help taking the class online than I would have in the huge lecture classes here. Prof. Curtis was really clear in explaining concepts and talking me through the topics that I was having trouble with. It took me about 10 weeks to finish the class, which didn't seem too long and didn't feel rushed. My friends who are in calculus now, trying to finish the prereq, are pretty jealous!

Date Posted: May 3, 2018
Review by: James Holland
Courses Completed: Calculus I, Calculus II
Review: I needed to finish the Business Calculus course very very very fast before my MBA degree at Wharton started. With the AWESOME help of Diane, I finished the course in about 3 weeks, allowing me to start Wharton on time. Thanks Diane!
Transferred Credits to: Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
Freshman Math Courses
- Applied Calculus for Business [3 credits] [3CR]
- Applied Calculus for Life Science [3 credits] [3CR]
- Calculus I[4 credits] [4CR]
- Calculus II[4 credits] [4CR]
Sophomore Math Courses
- Multivariable Calculus III [4 credits] [4CR]
- Differential Equations [3 credits] [3CR]
- Linear Algebra [4 credits] [4CR]
- Probability Theory [3 credits] [3CR]
Honors Math Courses
- Honors Calculus I [5 credits] [5CR]
- Honors Calculus II [5 credits] [5CR]
- Honors Calculus I+II for Data Science [5 credits] [5CR]
- Honors Multivariable Calculus [5 credits] [5CR]
- Honors Differential Equations [4 credits] [4CR]
- Honors Linear Algebra [5 credits] [5CR]
- Honors Linear Algebra for Data Science [5 credits] [5CR]
Lower Division Math Courses
- Precalculus with Trigonometry [4 credits] [4CR]
- Introductory Statistics [4 credits] [4CR]
- Finite Mathematics [3 credits] [3CR]
- Discrete Mathematics [4 credits] [4CR]
Upper Division Math Courses
- Computational Abstract Algebra [4 credits] [4CR]
- Computational Differential Geometry [4 credits] [4CR]