New! DMAT 431 - Computational Abstract Algebra with MATHEMATICA!
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Course Syllabi

"Syllabi" is the correct plural form of "Syllabus".

Course: DMAT 125
Course Title: Introduction to Computational Statistics [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Intro Comp Statistics
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3 years high school mathematics (C- or higher) or instructor consent.
Course Description: A single course on the study of non-Calculus-based statistics, including descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation, with emphasis on graphical and computational investigations, leading to the Central Limit Theorem.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 125 - Introduction to Computational Statistics

Course: DMAT 135
Course Title: Computational Precalculus with Trigonometry [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Precalc with Trigonometry
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3 years high school mathematics (C- or higher) or instructor consent.
Course Description: A single course on the study of linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions via algebraic, numerical, graphical, and narrative viewpoints, preparing the student for the Calculus sequence.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 135 - Computational Precalculus with Trigonometry

Course: DMAT 145
Course Title: Computational Finite Mathematics [3 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Finite Math
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3 years high school mathematics (C- or higher) or instructor consent.
Course Description: A single course on finite mathematics for business majors. Topics include linear equations, matrices, linear programming including geometrical and simplex methods, optimization, mathematics of finance, sets and counting, probability, markov chains, and game theory.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 145 - Computational Finite Mathematics

Course: DMAT 201
Course Title: Applied Calculus for Business [3 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Calculus for Business
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3 years high school mathematics (C- or higher) or instructor consent.
Course Description: A single course in differential and integral calculus for management and business with emphasis on computational techniques and graphical analysis. Topics include a study of the algebraic and numerical aspects of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions, function growth, derivative analysis and optimization, integration, applications to economics, partial derivatives and higher dimensional optimization, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 201 - Applied Calculus for Business

Course: DMAT 202
Course Title: Applied Calculus for Life Sciences [3 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Calculus for Life Sciences
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 3 years high school mathematics (C- or higher) or instructor consent.
Course Description: A single course in differential and integral calculus for management and business with emphasis on computational techniques and graphical analysis. Topics include a study of the algebraic and numerical aspects of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions, function growth, derivative analysis and optimization, integration, applications to life sciences, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 202 - Applied Calculus for Life Sciences

Course: DMAT 225
Course Title: Computational Discrete Mathematics [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Discrete Math
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Precalculus with Trigonometry or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A single course on discrete mathematics with emphasis on the connections to computer science. Topics include sets, functions, mathematical induction, sequences, recurrence relations, logic, proofs, and introductions to combinatorics and number theory.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 225 - Computational Discrete Mathematics

Course: DMAT 253
Course Title: STEM Calculus I [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): STEM Calculus I
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Precalculus with Trigonometry or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course introduction to differential and integral calculus for engineering and science students, with emphasis on a modern, empirical exposition of the classical subject. Topics include a study of the algebraic, numerical, and graphical aspects of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, limits, function growth, derivative analysis and optimization, introduction to differential equations, methods and applications of integration, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 253 - STEM Calculus I

Course: DMAT 254
Course Title: Honors STEM Calculus I [5 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors STEM Calculus I
Prerequisite: Successful completion with grade B or higher in Precalculus with Trigonometry or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: An honors-level first course introduction to differential and integral calculus for engineering and science students, with emphasis on a modern, empirical exposition of the classical subject. Topics include a study of the algebraic, numerical, and graphical aspects of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, limits, function growth, derivative analysis and optimization, introduction to differential equations, methods and applications of integration, numerical computations of integrals including the Monte-Carlo method, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 254 - Honors STEM Calculus I

Course: DMAT 255
Course Title: Honors Calculus I+II for Data Science [5 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors Calc BC for Data Sci
Prerequisite: Successful completion with B grade or higher in Precalculus with Trigonometry or equivalent, or consent of instructor; experience with a computer programming language.
Course Description: An honors-level single course introduction to differential and integral calculus for data science students, with emphasis on a modern, empirical exposition of the classical subject, condensing the essential topics from first year calculus. Topics include a study of the algebraic, numerical, and graphical aspects of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, limits, function growth, derivative analysis and optimization, introduction to differential equations, methods and applications of integration, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, calculus of data sets, numerical issues of derivative and integral computations, Monte-Carlo method, Taylor's Theorem and spline approximations, and methods of integration. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a combination programming project and mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 255 - Honors Calculus I+II for Data Science

Course: DMAT 263
Course Title: STEM Calculus II [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): STEM Calculus II
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Calculus I or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A second course in the differential and integral calculus for engineering and science with emphasis on computational techniques, graphical analysis, and algebraic methods. Topics include integration theory, algebraic methods of integration, integral functions and transformations, improper and numerical integrals, applications of integration to geometry and physics, double integrals, integration over regions with parametric boundary, splines, barriers, Taylor's Theorem, L'Hopital's Rule, infinite sequences and series.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 263 - STEM Calculus II

Course: DMAT 264
Course Title: Honors STEM Calculus II [5 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors STEM Calculus II
Prerequisite: Successful completion with B grade or higher in Calculus I or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: An honors-level second course in the differential and integral calculus for engineering and science with emphasis on computational techniques, graphical analysis, and algebraic methods. Topics include integration theory, algebraic methods of integration, integral functions and transformations, improper and numerical integrals, applications of integration to geometry and physics, double integrals, integration over regions with parametric boundary, splines, barriers, Taylor's Theorem, L'Hopital's Rule, infinite sequences and series. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 264 - Honors STEM Calculus II

Course: DMAT 273
Course Title: STEM Calculus III [3 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): STEM Calculus III
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A third course in the differential and integral calculus for engineering and science with emphasis on computational techniques, graphical analysis, and algebraic methods. Topics include splines, barriers, Taylor's Theorem, L'Hopital's Rule, infinite sequences and series, selected topics from three dimensional calculus and geometry.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 273 - STEM Calculus III

Course: DMAT 311
Course Title: Computational Probability Theory [3 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Probability Theory
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in calculus-based statistics and probability with emphasis on computational software techniques, geometrical analysis, and numerical processes applications. Topics include Monte-Carlo method, measurements of probability, distributions, applications to data analysis, discrete and random variables, conditional and joint probability concepts, Central Limit Theorem, correlation and regression, confidence intervals.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 311 - Computational Probability Theory

Course: DMAT 321
Course Title: Computational Differential Equations [3 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Differential Equations
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in the study of differential equations with emphasis on modern software computational techniques with geometrical and qualitative interpretations. Topics include first, second, and higher-order ordinary differential equations, analysis of forcing functions, Laplace Transforms, convolution integral techniques, Fast Fourier Transforms and data approximations, systems of differential equations, classical algebraic solution methods, power series solutions.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 321 - Computational Differential Equations

Course: DMAT 322
Course Title: Honors Computational Differential Equations [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors Comp Differential Eqns
Prerequisite: Successful completion with grade B or higher in Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in the study of differential equations with emphasis on modern software computational techniques with geometrical and qualitative interpretations. Topics include first, second, and higher-order ordinary differential equations, analysis of forcing functions, Laplace Transforms, convolution integral techniques, Fast Fourier Transforms and data approximations, systems of differential equations, classical algebraic solution methods, power series solutions. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 322 - Honors Computational Differential Equations

Course: DMAT 335
Course Title: Computational Linear Algebra [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Linear Algebra
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in matrix algebra and linear spaces with emphasis on computational software techniques and geometrical analysis. Topics include matrices, solutions of systems of linear equations, determinants, linear spaces and transformations, inner products, higher dimensional spaces, inverses and pseudoinverses, rank, Singular Value Decomposition, bases, rank, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, matrix decomposition and diagonalization.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 335 - Computational Linear Algebra

Course: DMAT 336
Course Title: Honors Computational Linear Algebra [5 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors Comp Linear Algebra
Prerequisite: Successful completion with grade B or higher in Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: An honors-level first course in matrix algebra and linear spaces with emphasis on computational software techniques and geometrical analysis. Topics include matrices, solutions of systems of linear equations, determinants, linear spaces and transformations, inner products, higher dimensional spaces, inverses and pseudoinverses, rank, Singular Value Decomposition, change of basis, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, matrix decomposition and diagonalization, dynamical systems and the Spectral Theorem. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 336 - Honors Computational Linear Algebra

Course: DMAT 337
Course Title: Honors Computational Linear Algebra for Data Science [5 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors Linear Algebra Data Sci
Prerequisite: Successful completion with grade B or higher in Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: An honors-level first course in matrix algebra and linear spaces with emphasis on computational software techniques and geometrical analysis, with applications applicable to data science. Topics include matrices, solutions of systems of linear equations, determinants, linear spaces and transformations, inner products, higher dimensional spaces, inverses and pseudoinverses, rank, Singular Value Decomposition, change of basis, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, matrix decomposition and diagonalization, Principal Component Analysis, image and data compression, and an introduction to numerical analysis issues in the subject. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 337 - Honors Computational Linear Algebra for Data Science

Course: DMAT 355
Course Title: Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Multivariable Calculus IV
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in multivariable differential and integral calculus, with emphasis on computational techniques, vector field analysis, and the generalized Fundamental Theorem of Calculus giving insight to the classical theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. Topics include geometric analysis of multivariable functions, partial derivatives, level curves and surfaces, optimization, properties of vector fields, gradients, potential functions, path integrals and independence, field singularities, divergence and rotation, multiple integration, integral coordinate Jacobian transforms.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 355 - Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis

Course: DMAT 356
Course Title: Honors Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis [5 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Honors Multivar Calculus IV
Prerequisite: Successful completion with grade B or higher in both Calculus I and Calculus II or equivalent, or consent of instructor; experience with programming languages.
Course Description: An honors-level first course in multivariable differential and integral calculus, with emphasis on computational techniques, vector field analysis, and the generalized Fundamental Theorem of Calculus giving insight to the classical theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. Topics include geometric analysis of multivariable functions, partial derivatives, level curves and surfaces, optimization, properties of vector fields, gradients, potential functions, path integrals and independence, field singularities, divergence and rotation, multiple integration, integral coordinate Jacobian transforms. Honors courses will include greater breadth and depth of topics, and develop technical writing skills, culminating in a mathematical term paper on an approved topic.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 356 - Honors Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis

Course: DMAT 431
Course Title: Computational Abstract Algebra [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Abstract Algebra
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in abstract algebra with emphasis on a computational approach to the subject. Topics include congruence, permutations, groups, homomorphisms, rings, fields, representations with matrices over finite fields, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and solvability questions about polynomial equations, with dual emphases on traditional symbolic proofs and computational investigations.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 431 - Computational Abstract Algebra

Course: DMAT 451
Course Title: Computational Differential Geometry [4 Semester Credits]
Transcript Course Title (30 Characters Max): Comp Differential Geometry
Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or higher) of Multivariable Calculus or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Course Description: A first course in differential geometry from a computational and graphical standpoint. Topics include a comprehensive study of curves and surfaces with emphasis on exploring a catalog of named geometrical objects, curvature and other metrics, orientable, non-orientable, ruled, and minimal surface, culminating with an introduction to the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem.
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF for DMAT 451 - Computational Differential Geometry

Legacy Courses

MATH 124: Basic Statistics [3 credit hours]

Course Description: Emphasizes descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation.

Prerequisite: High School Algebra
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

MATH 136: Precalculus [4 credit hours]

Course Description: The focus of this course is on functions, which are of central importance in Calculus. Topics include definitions, properties, and applications of algebraic, inverse, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions.

Prerequisite: High School Algebra
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

Math 207: Applied Calculus [3 credit hours]

Course Description: This course covers fundamental notions of differentiation and integration of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, with problems drawn from principally from business situations. Topics include optimization, related rates, and simple applications and methods of integration. While covering traditional analytic methods, this course also emphasizes graphical and numerical approaches. This course may not be taken for credit by mathematics majors, minors or core concentrators. No credit will be given to students who have previously received credit for MATH 213. (3 credits)

Prerequisite: High School Algebra
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

Math 213: Calculus I [4 credit hours]

Course Description: Covers the differential calculus of a single variable and introduces integration. Topics include limits and continuity, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of derivatives to rates of change, optimization, and curve sketching, and the Fundamental Theorem. The laboratory component involves use of computer algebra software. (4 credits)

Prerequisite: Precalculus with Trigonometry
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

Math 214: Calculus II [4 credit hours]

Course Description: Covers the integral calculus of algebraic and transcendental functions and its applications. Topics include elementary differential equations, computation of areas, volumes, work and other physical quantities, integration techniques, improper integrals, and infinite series. The laboratory component involves use of computer algebra software.

Prerequisite: Calculus I
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

MATH 351: Multivariable Calculus [4 credit hours]

Course Description: Introduces functions of several variables including partial differentiation; multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, and the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes.

Prerequisite: Calculus II
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

MATH 317: Differential Equations [3 credit hours]

Course Description: Studies methods of solution of ordinary differential equations with applications in science and engineering. Extensive use is made of the method of Laplace transforms.

Prerequisite: Calculus II
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

MATH 331: Linear Algebra [3 credit hours]

Course Description: Presents matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, diagonalization, solution of systems of linear equations by the Gauss-Jordan method, and applications.

Prerequisite: Calculus II
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

MATH 315: Probability Theory [3 credit hours]

Course Description: Emphasizes probability, probability density functions, distributions, statistical inferences and estimation, correlation, and regression.

Prerequisite: Calculus II
Detailed Course Syllabus in PDF

Distance Calculus - Freshman CoursesFreshman Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Sophomore CoursesSophomore Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Honors CoursesHonors Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Lower Division CoursesLower Division Math Courses

Distance Calculus - Upper Division CoursesUpper Division Math Courses